A nursing strike happens when your baby is so distracted by all their new discoveries that they seem disinterested in nursing and may refuse to breastfeed.
Many moms assume that a breastfeeding strike is a sign that baby is weaning and ready to give up breastfeeding, but this is often not the case! Nursing strikes are often temporary and can signal a developmental milestone.
During a nursing strike, some moms may feel rejected by their baby. If you feel this way, it can help to remind yourself that this is a normal part of their development. Try not to be discouraged and continue to offer your breast even if your baby nurses for a moment before they pull away. No breastfeeding strike lasts forever, and don’t take this as a sign - especially in the early months - that your little one wants to wean completely or that there is an issue with your milk supply.
Two breastfeeding tips to keep baby focused:
- Nurse your baby in a quiet room away from distractions like TV or siblings
- Hold your baby's favorite toy or try wearing a nursing necklace
As this phase passes, it's more than likely your baby will return to you for the comfort that nursing provides, and you can continue your breastfeeding relationship. If the nursing strike does turn out to be your little one's sign that she wants to wean, appreciate the time you have had together and continue to offer your baby your breast so they can sometimes take it and wean gradually. Take comfort in the fact that you have given your baby the best start and provided them with benefits that will stay with her forever.
For more tips on how to breastfeed an easily-distracted baby click here.
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